A Little Bird Told Me the World is Ending (2021)
siren arts
Consulting Services
I serve the field of contemporary arts practice in ways that increase support and opportunities for emerging and working artists, and amplify space for meaningful creative expression. With a deliberate focus on climate justice and eco-feminist practice, I strategize and facilitate global discourse and challenging artist driven multi-lingual programming for live audiences, while leveraging peer networks, financial and institutional support for creative development and public presentation to diverse citizenry.
Siren Arts provides consulting, writing and performance services that are interactive, humorous, disruptive, informative and accessible to a wide range of audiences and participants. The following menu of services provide a variety opportunities and access points to discuss, embody and reflect upon environmental issues related to ecology, bio-diversity loss, environmental justice and climate change:
Creative Writing and Performance Composition Workshops
EcoPerformance Artist Talks and Teaching
Curatorial and Program Design